
Flat Strategy in Sports Betting


All existing betting strategies have been developed to increase the chances of making a profit, but most of them are not successful. One of the most popular betting strategies is flat, which involves the correct distribution of the bank. This article discusses the flat strategy in sports betting and considers its application using real-life examples.

Flat in Sports Betting

The term "flat" is related to the words "level/plain". Initially, this term was used in casinos, and only over time, it was transferred to the world of betting. Basically, "flat" means a fixed size for each bet, which allows pragmatic play over a long distance. Players also refer to this system as a "fixed bet", which concisely and reveals its essence.

Flat betting is a financial strategy that involves playing the game with constant bet size. There is no increase/decrease in the size of the bet amount expected, and the chosen bet size should not exceed 5% of the total bank amount. Professional bettors choose 3-5% of the total bank amount, but for beginners it is recommended to use no more than 2%.

The flat betting strategy can significantly reduce the risks of losing the entire bank. However, one really needs to understand sports even using this system, because for a successful bet you need at least 60-70% performance. The odds for the bets may vary, but with low quotes, each loss will cost a pretty penny.

Strategy Working Principle

The flat strategy works according to a simple principle - the amount of the bet does not change during the round. Moreover, the size of the bet does not vary as a percentage of the total bank amount, even for different sessions.

Let's consider the strategy principle using a simple example: Initially, our bank is USD 1,000, and we set the bet amount as 5%. We then designate a round of 10 bets, each of which will be USD 50 (5% of USD 1,000 = USD 50). After the first round, we sum up the results, according to which the size of the bet for the next session is determined. Suppose that after the first round the bank has risen to USD 1,100. The bet amount is still 5% of the total bankroll, but the amount of each subsequent bet has already changed: 5% of USD 1,100 = USD 55. This is the fixed bet amount that we will use for the next session.


It's time to test the flat strategy through a real example. As an experiment, we tested this system applied in 50 bets. Initially, the bank was USD 1,000, and the chosen bet size was 2% (USD 20). Throughout the session, the bet size remained unchanged. Here's what happened: 

Bet №OddsBet amount ($)OutcomeChanges in Bank ($)Total ($)
1 1.95 20 Win +19 1019
2 2.1 20 Win +22 1041
3 2.25 20 Loss -20 1021
25 1.8 20 Win +16 1107
26 2.05 20 Loss -20 1087
27 1.9 20 Win +18 1105
48 1.85 20 Win +17 1172
49 2.15 20 Loss -20 1152
50 2.1 20 Win +22 1174


After the first 5 bets, the bank remained within the initial amount, but later on (the 25th bet), it increased by 10% and amounted USD 1,100. By the end of the session, it became clear that the gain would be about 15-20% of the total bank amount (USD 150-200). The final outcome of the experiment is $ 1,174 in bank. The gain of the flat strategy was $ 174 or 17.4% of the bankroll.

Please note that this experiment was conducted only as an example, the performance/outcome of another player may differ significantly. The bettor could lose a lot of money at any moment, so flat cannot be considered a profitable strategy either. Bank control is a good tool, but not a panacea in the world of sports betting.

Flat Varieties

In the world of betting, the "flat" strategy has several variations that differ from each other in the stake size. The choice of a specific type depends on the bettor and his or her ability/desire in terms of the bet amount. Let's take a look at each type of strategy.

Static flat

Static flat implies a betting strategy, where the size of each individual stake is 1% of the bank. The stake amount never changes, it does not depend on the bettor's confidence in the forecast and the importance of the event. This system is best for gamblers who are slowly moving towards their goal. It is almost impossible to lose a large amount of money or "throw" the entire bank with a static flat.

Academic flat

This strategy is considered to be the most popular one among other types of flat, since the amount of the bet here varies from 1% to 3%. The bettors are not limited to a specific stake amount during the session, they can change the size of the bet depending on the confidence in the outcome (up to 3% of the bankroll, evidently).

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Chaotic flat

This strategy is the riskiest one in the "flat" system since the amount of bets made is around 5-15% of the bank amount. Events for a chaotic strategy are selected with a coefficient not lower than 1.6-1.7. When using this system, it is necessary to select contests carefully, after an in-depth analysis, because the probability of loss and the risks are quite high.

Aggressive flat

Experienced cappers mainly turn to the aggressive type of flat, as they can make good profits with it. The tactics in this strategy is similar to that of the static approach, however, the size of each bet is 3-5% of the bankroll (mostly a 5% stake is used). Experts do not recommend lowering the step amount even after a series of failures.

Advantages and disadvantages of the flat strategy

Above, we have considered the concept of flat betting. Now let's find out why this system is so popular among professional bettors. The flat strategy has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Now we are going to take a look at its benefits and shortcomings.

The pros of the flat strategy

  •  it is impossible/very difficult to "throw" the entire bank due to the small stake size;
  • the strategy is applicable to any sport/competition;
  • it is easy to understand and apply;
  • the strategy can be easily adjusted depending on the needs;
  • flat strategy is compatible with other strategies.

The cons of the flat strategy

  • a large bankroll is needed to get tangible profit;
  • low intensity of capital growth;
  • it requires effort and willpower not to change the selected bet size.

Anyway, the flat strategy is by no means a safe one, unlike the surebets or value betting. If you use surebets, you do not need to worry about the event’s outcome because you will receive your winnings anyway. Learn more about surebets here.

Artur Polianskyi
For today Artur has 12 years of betting experience, and he kindly shares his knowledge with the readers of our blog. In his articles, you will find many useful tips for different strategies and learn more about all types of bets.
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